Since this approach was successful in case of similar Czech site (EDIT 2020-09-12: original script got obsolete and was replaced, see following message and tweet), I tried to find similar advice. There are many cookbooks on the web but unfortunately, it would be time-consuming to check them all. I made couple of attempts and observe that either they are obsolete and don't work (as Google is probably changing it's API) or they download only small-sized image (full-sized image is available only in Flash panel where image URL cannot be easily discovered).
I came to final solution combining following 2 advices (URLs are intentionally made invalid for the sake of privacy):
- showing RSS link as advised here produces simple page with only small-sized images with URL like
- intercepting network communication in Firebug after clicking Download on photo detail shows that original image has very similar URL:
- Open album and click on RSS.
- Show Firebug console.
- Copypaste following code into Firebug console:
for (var i = 0; i < document.images.length; i++) document.images[i].src = document.images[i].src.replace(/\/s288\//,"/d/");
This replaces images by original versions. - Save complete page as
. - Your images are in subdirectory
. (remove unnecessary HTML, CSS, JS, title image and other stuff)
For completeness - scripts for other sites:
$("#thumbs-container .thumb-img").each(function () {var a = $(this).css('background-image'); a = a.replace(/url\("(.*)"\)/g,'$1').replace(/\/thumb\//g,'/images/'); $(document.body).append("<img src='" + a + "' />");})
$("#thumbs-container .thumb-img").each(function () {var a = $(this).attr('src'); a = a.replace(/url\("(.*)"\)/g,'$1').replace(/\/thumb\//g,'/images/'); $(this).attr('src',a);})
Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("grid-item")).forEach(function(element, index, array) {var img = element.firstChild.firstChild; var s = img.src.replace(/\/500x180\//,'/1920x1080/'); var nimg = document.createElement('img'); nimg.src = s; document.body.appendChild(nimg); }); document.getElementById('block-cav-content').remove();